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AAA abbreviation of "American Automobile Association," an association that provides travel-related discounts and services to its members.
air travel or transportation by aircraft. [1/8 definitions]
airline a business that offers travel by airplane from one place to another.
airsick feeling sick or dizzy because of air travel; feeling ill due to flying.
airsickness motion sickness, usu. including nausea, caused by air travel.
amphibian a vehicle that can travel or operate on both land and water. Some tanks, boats, and airplanes are amphibians. [1/2 definitions]
amphibious able to travel or operate on both land and water. [1/2 definitions]
army ant any of various carnivorous, mostly tropical ants that travel about in great numbers.
armyworm any of various caterpillars that travel about in great numbers, usu. inflicting heavy damage on crops and grass.
astronaut a person whose job is to travel and work in space.
astronautics (used with a sing. verb) the science and technology of space travel.
back road a road that avoids traffic and high speed travel. It is often a small, country road that goes through areas with few houses and buildings.
back up to cause (traffic) to form slow-moving lines as travel is attempted. [1/8 definitions]
baggage suitcases, bags, or trunks used to carry things during travel.
balloon tire a wide tire with deep walls that is inflated with relatively low air pressure to cushion shocks or facilitate travel on sand.
barnstorm to travel through rural areas giving performances, political speeches, exhibition contests, or the like. [2/3 definitions]
bioastronautics (used with a sing. verb) the science of the effects of outer space and space travel on living organisms.
boat to travel in a boat. [1/3 definitions]
bowshot the distance an arrow travels or can travel when shot from a bow.
box lunch an individual light meal, prepared and put in a box to be eaten later, as during travel or at a picnic.
Br.1 abbreviation of "Bridge," a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel (used as part of a proper name).