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crossbow a bow on a wooden stock. Crossbows shoot arrows when someone pulls a trigger.
hair trigger a firearm trigger adjusted so that very slight pressure can make it function.
half cock the partly raised position of the hammer of a firearm, at which point the trigger locks and cannot be pulled.
machine gun an automatic gun that fires bullets one right after the other as long as its trigger is pressed.
melt to trigger a sudden feeling of gentleness or emotional helplessness in. [1/8 definitions]
Russian roulette a deadly game of chance in which each participant takes a turn at spinning the cylinder of a revolver that holds only one bullet, pointing it at his or her own head, and pulling the trigger. [1/2 definitions]
snick to cause (a latch, trigger, or the like) to click. [1/6 definitions]
trigger finger the finger used to pull the trigger of a gun, usu. the index finger.
trip to release a trigger or switch, thereby setting (something) in motion or operation. [1/18 definitions]
water gun a child's toy usu. shaped like a pistol, with a mechanism that squirts water when the trigger is pulled; water pistol; squirt gun.