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barber a person whose job is to shave, trim, or style hair and beards.
beading an ornamental molding, trim, or pattern having a rounded or beadlike design. [1/4 definitions]
border to put a margin, edge, or trim on. [1/6 definitions]
chrome something that is plated with an alloy of chromium, such as the shiny trim on a car. [1/5 definitions]
chromium a shiny, silver-gray metal that is one of the chemical elements. Chromium does not rust easily. It is used on surfaces, such as the metal trim on cars, because it stays shiny. It can be combined with other metals to form alloys. (symbol: Cr)
clip1 to cut off, cut out, or trim with scissors or shears. [1/5 definitions]
crop to trim. [1/7 definitions]
edge to put trim or a border on. [1/6 definitions]
fagot to trim or decorate (fabric) with fagoting. [1/4 definitions]
flounce2 to trim by attaching one or more flounces to. [1/2 definitions]
foresheet one of the ropes or chains used to trim any sail set on or before a foremast. [1/2 definitions]
fur to line or trim with fur. [1/5 definitions]
furbelow to ornament (a dress or the like) with showy trim. [1/2 definitions]
gimp a flat, narrow piece of cloth, braided cord, or the like used as a trim on clothing or curtains.
log1 to cut down, trim, and transport trees for lumber. [1/7 definitions]
paper cutter a power-driven machine or hand-operated device used to cut or trim a quantity of paper.
piping a thin cylinder of fabric used to decorate or trim clothing or cloth. [1/6 definitions]
plane2 to smooth or otherwise trim using a carpenter's plane. [1/3 definitions]
poll to trim or remove the horns or fleece of (animals) or the branches of (trees or shrubbery). [1/10 definitions]
preen to trim and clean (feathers), as a bird does. [1/5 definitions]
prune2 to cut off or remove branches, twigs, or other parts from; trim.