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Dictionary Suite
aha an exclamation, usu. of surprise, mockery, or triumph.
exult to rejoice greatly, esp. over some triumph.
exultant exhibiting great joy or triumph; jubilant.
exultation the act or feeling of rejoicing greatly, as over some triumph.
flying colors outstanding success; excellent fashion; triumph.
glory to rejoice with a sense of pride or triumph; exult (usu. fol. by" in"). [1/8 definitions]
ha a word used to show triumph, surprise, discovery, amazement, or annoyance.
hurrah used as an exclamation of joy, approval, triumph, encouragement, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
prevail to prove oneself superior to; triumph (usu. fol. by "over" or "against"). [1/5 definitions]
triumphant feeling or expressing joy or exhilaration because of a triumph. [1/2 definitions]
Yahoo (l.c.) used to express exultation or triumph. [1/3 definitions]
yippee used to express joy, elation, or triumph.