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actual truly existing, or being something that is real or true.
actuality the state or fact of truly or currently existing; reality. [1/2 definitions]
amen truly; undeniably. [1/3 definitions]
believe to accept (someone or something) to be truly a certain thing or a certain way. [1/6 definitions]
devout truly felt; sincere. [1/2 definitions]
indeed without any question or doubt; truly. [1/2 definitions]
in fact in reality; really; truly; indeed.
off plumb not truly vertical.
out of plumb not truly vertical.
plumb truly vertical. [1/10 definitions]
really certainly; truly; very; greatly. [1/3 definitions]
settle for to accept (something that is not truly what one prefers), or decide that one will be content with (something).
so indeed; truly (used to dispute a previous statement). [1/15 definitions]
tolerate to accept or permit although not truly desired or officially sanctioned; not attack or oppose. [1/2 definitions]
vision an intense image in one's imagination, or an image of a person or thing that appears to be real and truly present to the person perceiving it. [1/6 definitions]
yea in literature, ceremony, or the like, indeed; truly. [1/5 definitions]