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break into to suddenly start singing or playing (a song, tune, or the like). [1/6 definitions]
dial to choose or tune into by using a radio or television dial. [1/6 definitions]
fiddle (informal) to play (a tune) on a fiddle. [1/7 definitions]
hum to sound (a tune) by humming. [1/7 definitions]
malagueña a Spanish folk dance or tune similar to the fandango.
melody a short musical composition containing one or a few musical ideas; song or tune. [1/3 definitions]
modulate to tune to a particular musical key or pitch. [1/6 definitions]
perseveration the spontaneous recurrence of a thought, image, phrase, or tune in the mind. [1/2 definitions]
play to perform (a musical piece, tune, or the like) using an instrument. [1/22 definitions]
pop music popular music with, typically, a strong and singable tune, which is often accompanied by a rhythm suitable for informal dancing. It is usually performed by relatively small musical groups. Pop music is usually distinguished from classical music, religious music, jazz, and country music.
retune combined form of tune.
serenade a song or tune, or several such, usu. performed out of doors in tribute to a lover or guests. [1/4 definitions]
sol-fa to sing (a scale, tune, or the like) using the sol-fa syllables. [1/3 definitions]
thrum1 to play (a stringed instrument or a tune) by plucking, esp. idly or repetitiously. [2/5 definitions]
tuneful full of melody or tune. [1/2 definitions]
tuner something used to tune, esp. the radio or television part used to select signals of a particular frequency for conversion into sound or pictures. [1/2 definitions]
tuning fork a small metal device that produces a tone in perfect pitch when it is struck against something. Tuning forks are often used to tune musical instruments or test hearing.
tweak to make a small adjustment or adjustments to; fine-tune. [1/4 definitions]