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blowhole a vent for air or gases, as from an underground tunnel. [1/3 definitions]
bore1 to create (an opening such as a tunnel) by cutting through. [1/7 definitions]
bulkhead a wall built across a tunnel to reinforce it and protect against fire, flood, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
burrow a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home. [1/3 definitions]
catacomb (usu. pl.) an underground burial tunnel, lined by recesses for the tombs. [1/2 definitions]
excavate to form (a hole, tunnel, or the like) by digging out material. [1/5 definitions]
gantlet1 a portion of railroad tracks made up of two separate but overlapping tracks, usu. constructed at a narrow place, such as a tunnel or bridge. [1/3 definitions]
gopher a small rodent with gray or brown fur and a short tail. Gophers live in burrows and tunnel underground to look for food. They are also called pocket gophers, because they have pouches outside their cheeks where they carry food and nesting material. Gophers live in Central and North America.
mole3 any of various small, insect-eating mammals that have very small eyes, soft light brown to dark gray fur, and strong forefeet, and that usu. tunnel or burrow underground. [1/2 definitions]
sandhog one who does excavation work in sandy, wet conditions, esp. a laborer working on the construction of an underwater tunnel.
subway an underground passenger train or rail system in a large city. Subways are powered by electricity. [2 definitions]
tunnel to construct a tunnel or tunnels. [2/4 definitions]
turbojet a tunnel-like engine in which air compressed by turbine-driven spinning blades and mixed with atomized fuel is ignited, producing a powerful jet of hot gases that provides thrust and also drives the turbine; turbojet engine. [1/2 definitions]