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about face a military command to turn and face the opposite direction.
about-face to turn to the opposite direction, opinion, or the like; reverse oneself. [1/3 definitions]
acetify to turn into or become vinegar or acetic acid.
Aeaean Circe in Greek mythology, the enchantress Circe, who has the power to turn sailors into swine, as described by an epithet referring to her island home, Aeaea.
alternate to use in turn, one after another; switch between. [1/7 definitions]
Atticism (sometimes l.c.) an expression or turn of phrase that is strikingly concise and elegant. [1/2 definitions]
avert to turn away or aside. [1/2 definitions]
axle a bar on which a wheel or wheels turn.
axletree an axle upon which the wheels of a cart or animal-powered vehicle turn.
backstretch the straight portion of a racetrack following the first turn. (Cf. homestretch.)
bat1 to take one's turn in baseball as a batter. [1/3 definitions]
bear1 to go in a certain direction; turn. [1/7 definitions]
bearing a machine part that holds another, moving part and allows it to move with less friction. Bearings are often used to help wheels turn.
bestialize to turn (a human being) into a beast; bring out the beastly qualities in.
beta a version of software that is still undergoing development and testing, which in turn is facilitated by feedback from users. [1/3 definitions]
bicycle a light vehicle with two wheels, one behind the other. You make the wheels turn by pushing on pedals.
bipinnate having opposing leaflets that are in turn divided into smaller opposing leaflets, as certain compound leaves.
blanch to turn pale. [1/5 definitions]
blinker a flashing light, especially one used on a car to signal that the car will turn and to show which way it will turn.
boil1 to heat a liquid until it starts to turn into a gas. [1/3 definitions]
capsize to turn over; upset.