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Dictionary Suite
leverage in finance, the degree of ability of a person, company, or group to increase the percentage of return on an investment or investments through borrowing. [1/5 definitions]
look to turn one's glance, attention, or focus of interest in a particular direction. [1/12 definitions]
move back to return oneself and one's possessions to a previous place of residence or business. [1/4 definitions]
power up to turn on an electrical or electronic device or system, or otherwise connect it to a power source. [1/2 definitions]
rotary turning or able to turn on an axis; rotating. [2/4 definitions]
rotate to turn on or around a fixed point. [1/5 definitions]
switch to turn on or off (an electrical appliance) by operating a switch (usu. fol. by "off" or "on"). [1/10 definitions]
swivel to turn on or as if on a swivel. [1/5 definitions]
tick-tack-toe a game for two players, one marking X's and the other marking O's in turn on a grid of nine squares until one succeeds in filling three squares with the same mark in a row down, across, or on a diagonal.
tilt to place or turn on an incline or at a slant. [1/7 definitions]
wriggle to twist and turn one's body with squirming movements; wiggle. [1/6 definitions]