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check to turn out to be correct (often fol. by "out"). [1/19 definitions]
come out in the wash to turn out satisfactorily. [1/2 definitions]
eventuate to be the final result; turn out.
fare to turn out. [1/5 definitions]
go off (informal) to proceed or turn out. [1/8 definitions]
hope an optimistic sense or feeling that events will turn out well. [2/6 definitions]
jinx to cause to have bad luck or turn out badly. [1/2 definitions]
optimism the belief that everything will turn out well, or that there are good aspects of every situation. (Cf. pessimism.) [1/3 definitions]
pessimism the belief that events will turn out badly; tendency to expect the worst. (Cf. optimism.) [1/3 definitions]
primrose path a course of action that appears easy but may turn out to be disastrous.
rout2 to drive, force, or turn out. [1/5 definitions]
splay to spread or turn outward or apart; flare. [1/4 definitions]