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consign to deliver, transfer, or turn over to another. [1/4 definitions]
dig to turn over or remove (dirt or the like) with a shovel or other tool. [1/8 definitions]
flip1 to toss sharply so as to cause to turn over or spin. [1/9 definitions]
keel to turn over, bringing the lowest side to the top; upset; capsize. [1/4 definitions]
overturn to tip or turn over; capsize. [1/4 definitions]
plow to cut into or turn over by using a plow; till. [1/11 definitions]
reverse to turn over or inside out. [1/15 definitions]
roll to cause to spin or turn over. [1/32 definitions]
root2 to dig or turn over soil, often with the snout or nose, as a pig. [1/4 definitions]
surrender to turn over or yield to the power, control, or possession of another, esp. under compulsion. [1/5 definitions]
turnstone any of several small migratory shorebirds that turn over stones to search for food.
upturn to turn over, up, or upward. [2/4 definitions]