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awry off center; twisted or turned. [1/2 definitions]
catgut a thin, strong cord made of twisted, dried animal intestines, esp. those of sheep, and used for the strings of tennis rackets and certain musical instruments, and as surgical thread.
chignon a hairstyle in which a woman's long hair is coiled, rolled, or twisted and secured at the nape of the neck or back of the head.
cochleate shaped or twisted in a spiral, like a snail shell.
cockeyed tilted or twisted to one side. [1/2 definitions]
contort to become twisted into an unusual or unnatural shape. [1/2 definitions]
convolute coiled or rolled together so that one part is over another; twisted; convoluted. [1/2 definitions]
cruller a sweet cake made from deep-fried dough, usu. shaped into a ring or twisted into a spiral.
distorted twisted or changed from a thing's normal shape, character, or way or behaving. [1/2 definitions]
dreadlocks a hairstyle, originally worn by Rastafarians, in which the hair is worn in many long, twisted strands.
eland either of two large African antelopes with long horns that are twisted in a spiral.
espadrille a sandal with a canvas upper and a sole of rubber or twisted fiber.
filigree intricate, lacy ornamental work made of twisted metal wires or pierced metal, as in jewelry. [1/4 definitions]
gnarled bent and twisted, as a tree's branches or trunk. [1/2 definitions]
gyrus a winding and twisted ridge, esp. on the surface of the brain.
jack pine an evergreen tree of Canada and the northern United States, having short twisted needles in pairs, woody cones, and soft wood used for paper.
knotted tangled or twisted. [1/3 definitions]
lisle a smooth, tightly twisted cotton thread, or the fabric made from it.
marline a light cord made of two loosely twisted fiber strands, sometimes wound around heavier rope to prevent fraying.
narwhal an arctic aquatic mammal related to the dolphin, that has a spotted pelt and, on the male, a long spirally twisted ivory tusk projecting from the upper jaw.
pipe cleaner a short length of wire, twisted to secure small tufts of yarn along its length, that is used to clean tobacco residue from the stems of pipes.