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acronym a type of abbreviation used as a word and pronounced as a word. An acronym is formed by combining the initial letters (or initial parts) of a string of words. The pronunciation of an acronym is based on the typical rules of pronouncing words in a language and is not made up of the sounds of the names of individual letters. The abbreviations "AIDS," "FICA," and "PIN" are acronyms, but the abbreviations "FBI," ATM," and "DVD" are not.
agate a type of quartz that has forms or bands of different colors that look like clouds. [1/2 definitions]
aggravated of a crime, considered more serious or malicious than is typical for the type of crime, especially if the criminal act involves the use of a gun. [1/2 definitions]
alpha wave the type of brain wave that is a sign of relaxation, having frequencies from eight to thirteen hertz; alpha rhythm.
Alpine in anthropology, a physical type of Caucasians with a medium complexion and stocky build. [1/4 definitions]
ambient a type of instrumental music characterized by patterns of sound rather than melodic form or rhythmic structure, and which can be explicitly listened to or serve as background or atmospheric sound. [1/3 definitions]
American Beauty a type of hybrid rose that bears long-stemmed red flowers.
amoebic dysentery a severe dysentery, caused by a particular type of amoeba, which painfully infects and inflames the bowels.
analyst someone trained or skilled in a particular type of analysis.
analytic philosophy a type of philosophy that uses common language and everyday experiences to analyze concepts.
and so forth with more of the same type. [1/2 definitions]
and so on with more of the same type. [1/2 definitions]
anemone a type of plant related to the buttercup that has large white, blue, purple, or red flowers.
anomalous differing from the norm, standard, or common type or rule; abnormal. [1/2 definitions]
anomaly an act or instance of differing from the usual pattern, form, or type; peculiarity; abnormality. [1/2 definitions]
anopheles a type of mosquito that sometimes transmits malaria.
anthology a collection of written works, often of a particular type, by one or several authors.
aplastic anemia a type of anemia caused by inadequate production of leukocytes, platelets, and the like by the bone marrow.
aquamarine a type of bluish green beryl used in jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
aquatint a type of etching that achieves the soft sweeping tones of a wash drawing or watercolor by careful control of the length of time acid is left on any given area of the etching plate.
arrange to change so as to fit a particular type of musical performance. [1/3 definitions]