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adobe a building material of sun-dried clay mixed with straw, usu. made into bricks. [1/3 definitions]
affix a word part, such as a prefix or suffix, that is added to a word to change its meaning or function. The prefix "un-" and the suffix "-ness" are both affixes. [1/2 definitions]
brown having sun-tanned skin. [1/6 definitions]
bun a bun-shaped gathering of hair at the back or top of the head. [1/2 definitions]
dump (informal) a house, town, or other place that is dirty, run-down, or despised. [1/10 definitions]
grungy (slang) dirty, messy, run-down; unpleasant.
harvest to collect (rainwater and/or condensation droplets) for local use, esp. for the watering of plants, rather than allowing run-off or evaporation. [1/11 definitions]
heap (slang) a run-down car. [1/7 definitions]
HUAC abbreviation of "House Un-American Activities Committee," a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-75) created to investigate organizations and individual Americans suspected of being subversive or disloyal to the country.
inner city the neighborhoods in or closest to the center of a city, usu. old, run-down, and inhabited by poor and disadvantaged people.
mill-run ordinary or unrefined; run-of-the-mill.
Phaėthon in Greek mythology, son of the sun god, Helios, who tried to drive his father's sun-chariot from east to west but flew too close to earth, started a conflagration, and was killed by Zeus.
rattletrap an unstable, rickety, rattling object, esp. a run-down automobile.
rattrap a building or place that is filthy or severely run-down. [1/2 definitions]
seedy squalid; run-down. [1/3 definitions]
shabby showing signs of wear; threadbare; run-down. [1/4 definitions]
skid row a run-down part of a city, frequented by society's outcasts; slum area.
slum (often plural) a crowded, run-down area of a city where poor people live.
sportive fun-loving; playful. [1/2 definitions]
sunflower any of several tall plants bearing large, yellow, roughly sun-shaped flowers with edible seeds in the center.
tenement house an overcrowded, usu. run-down apartment building, esp. one in a slum area of an urban region.