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chill a mild but uncomfortable coldness. [1/6 definitions]
chilly causing a cool feeling that is uncomfortable. [1/3 definitions]
cold-blooded unusually uncomfortable in cold weather. [1/3 definitions]
corner to put in an uncomfortable or difficult position. [1/5 definitions]
discomfort to cause uneasiness, distress, or pain in; make uncomfortable. [1/3 definitions]
embarrass to make uncomfortable or ill at ease.
embarrassed feeling uncomfortable because of shame or receiving too much attention from others.
embarrassment the condition of being made uncomfortable or ashamed. [1/2 definitions]
hovel a small, uncomfortable, dirty house or hut.
ill at ease causing uncomfortable feelings; uneasy.
incommodious uncomfortable or inconvenient, esp. by not affording enough room or space.
nag1 to trouble, bother, or make uncomfortable for a long time. [1/3 definitions]
on the spot in a bad or uncomfortable position. [1/2 definitions]
press1 to keep asking in such a way as to make uncomfortable. [1/10 definitions]
roast to be uncomfortable from too much heat. [1/6 definitions]
self-conscious uncomfortable in social situations. [1/3 definitions]
spot an uncomfortable position. [1/6 definitions]
squirm to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. [1/3 definitions]
stare down to try to frighten or make uncomfortable by staring at.
suffocate to make uncomfortable by keeping in hot or stuffy air. [1/6 definitions]
sunburn uncomfortable or painful reddening of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun. [1/2 definitions]