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acuity sharpness or keenness, as of sense perception or understanding.
agree to come to an understanding or a decision with another person. [1/3 definitions]
agreement an understanding between people or groups that states what is to be done. [1/3 definitions]
ah a word used to express surprise, understanding, and other feelings.
apparent clear to one's understanding; obvious. [1/3 definitions]
appreciation understanding of the value of something given and an accompanying feeling of thankfulness. [2/5 definitions]
apprehension the act of understanding without studying. [1/3 definitions]
astute keen in understanding and judgment; shrewd.
at sea confused; without understanding. [1/2 definitions]
bottomless impossible to reach an understanding of; unfathomable. [1/3 definitions]
clueless (informal) having absolutely no understanding, awareness, or knowledge of something. [1/2 definitions]
comprehension the act, process, or result of comprehending; understanding.
confuse to cause misunderstanding, or to make understanding difficult or impossible; mix up; bewilder. [1/2 definitions]
confused having difficulty perceiving or understanding because of conflicting or otherwise incomprehensible information; perplexed; puzzled.
consciousness-raising a process in which people are made more sensitive or aware of others, and thus gain understanding and sympathy for their situation, used in combating discrimination. [1/2 definitions]
demythologize to discount or do away with the mythological characteristics or mythical associations of, as in an attempt to arrive at a more realistic understanding.
dialogue an exchange of opinions or thoughts in an effort to reach agreement or mutual understanding. [1/5 definitions]
digestion the process of absorbing ideas; understanding. [1/3 definitions]
dim not clear to the senses or understanding; indistinct. [1/9 definitions]
dyslexia a learning disorder characterized by difficulty in recognizing and understanding written words.
educate to give knowledge or understanding of something through teaching or training.