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accident an undesirable or harmful event. [1/3 definitions]
blot something that stands out as highly undesirable or ugly. [1/8 definitions]
buffer1 to diminish the undesirable effects of. [1/6 definitions]
come to (something or someone) to arrive at a particular point, often an undesirable or frightening one. [1/3 definitions]
concentration camp a prison camp in which large numbers of political prisoners, aliens, or those considered undesirable are confined and sometimes executed.
condemn to force or propel into an undesirable state or into engagement in unpleasant activity. [1/5 definitions]
control a means of stopping or preventing the growth or spread of something undesirable. [1/9 definitions]
crutch anything that provides support, esp. if dependence on it is undesirable. [1/3 definitions]
cull an item picked out from among others, esp. one discarded as undesirable. [1/5 definitions]
cure a substance or course of treatment that leads to the restoration of health after a disease, disability, or other undesirable condition. [3/7 definitions]
deportation the legal expulsion from a country of an undesirable person, esp. an illegal alien or criminal.
dilemma a problem situation that requires a choice between equally undesirable solutions or that resists satisfactory solution. [1/2 definitions]
duck2 to avoid any undesirable chore, situation, or person. [2/7 definitions]
foist to impose or force (an undesirable person or thing) upon another. [1/2 definitions]
hotbed any environment that encourages the rapid growth and development of something, esp. something undesirable. [1/2 definitions]
inopportune occurring at an undesirable or unreasonable time.
misshape to form into an undesirable shape; deform.
negative damaging or undesirable; bad. [1/7 definitions]
purge to kill or expel (members of a party, government, organization, or the like) so as to rid a society of those considered to be undesirable. [1/12 definitions]
rid to clear or free from something undesirable (usu. fol. by "of").
rogue to uproot or destroy (undesirable plant specimens). [1/6 definitions]