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abuse to talk to or about in an insulting or unfair way. [1/6 definitions]
abusive characterized by offensive or unfair language. [1/4 definitions]
badmouth (informal) to speak of in critical, unfair, or slanderous terms.
bandit one who takes unfair advantage of others, esp. in business dealings; swindler; cheat. [1/3 definitions]
consumerism a movement that attempts to protect consumers from defective or harmful goods and services and from unfair business practices such as deceptive advertising. [1/2 definitions]
criminal extremely wrong or unfair. [1/4 definitions]
dirty not honest; unfair. [1/6 definitions]
dirty tricks (sing.) any unethical, unfair, or callously hurtful trick practiced on someone. [1/2 definitions]
discrimination the act, or collective acts, of making invalid, unfair, or hurtful differentiations, as in prejudice against people of minority groups. [1/3 definitions]
exploit2 to use for one's own advantage and in a way that is unfair to the thing or person being used. [1/2 definitions]
exploitation the selfish or unfair using of someone or something for one's own advantage. [1/3 definitions]
foul extremely offensive to moral standards or accepted rules; vile or unfair. [1/21 definitions]
fraud deliberate deception or trickery used for unfair or illegal advantage. [1/3 definitions]
fuck over (vulgar slang) to treat (someone) in a very unfair, harsh, or underhanded manner.
hog (informal) to take an unfair or unjustified amount of. [1/4 definitions]
impose on to make unfair use of. [1/2 definitions]
impose upon to make unfair use of. [1/2 definitions]
indignant feeling or showing anger about something considered to be unfair or without value.
inequitable not equitable; biased; unfair.
injustice the absence of justice; unfair treatment or violation of a person's rights. [2 definitions]
land-grabber a person who uses unfair or fraudulent tactics to gain possession of land.