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brushwork the particular, unique way in which an artist applies paint with a brush. [1/2 definitions]
character unique charm or distinction. [1/7 definitions]
characteristic something that makes a person or thing different from others. [1/3 definitions]
characterization a representation or portrayal of a person's unique qualities. [1/3 definitions]
character sketch a dramatic portrayal of a unique character or role. [1/2 definitions]
email address a unique identifying label that allows internet messages to be received in one's electronic mail account. The "@" symbol is a part of every email address
filename the name of a file on a computer. Every file on a computer must have a unique name.
hypostasis in Christian theology, the singular, unique nature of God, the equal divinity of each person of the Trinity, and the incorporation of the fullness of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ. [1/4 definitions]
I Ching an ancient Chinese book of divination that employs chance and is based on the idea that each moment in time is unique for each person; Book of Changes.
identity the unique and entire set of characteristics that make up what a person or thing is known or considered to be. [1/4 definitions]
idiolect the language spoken by an individual, considered as a unique pattern. (Cf. dialect.)
idiom the unique grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of a particular language, dialect, or regional style. [1/4 definitions]
idiomatic having a unique style or manner, esp. in art or literature. [1/4 definitions]
individual different from the norm; untypical; unique. [1/5 definitions]
individualize to make distinct, unique, or suited to a particular person or thing. [1/2 definitions]
individually in a unique and distinctive way. [1/2 definitions]
Internet protocol address a unique numeric address assigned to an individual computer or other device in a network, used to route data to a destination; IP address.
legend a person whose extraordinary accomplishments or unique personality makes him or her remarkable and an inspiration for popular stories. [1/4 definitions]
monotype in biology, a single species that is the unique representative of its gender, family, or higher taxonomic classification.
monotypic of a biological species, being the unique representative of one's gender, family, or higher taxonomic classification.
nonunique combined form of unique.