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chaperone a person, usu. older, who accompanies unmarried young people on social occasions to assure that no improper, unlawful, or unsafe behavior occurs. [1/2 definitions]
defraud to deprive of something by wrongful and usu. unlawful deception; cheat; swindle.
forbidden fruit any sinful or unlawful indulgence, esp. sexual. [1/2 definitions]
habeas corpus in law, a writ calling for a detained person to be brought before a court, designed to insure against unlawful detention or imprisonment.
illegal contrary to law, rules, or the like; unlawful. [1/2 definitions]
illegitimate not legitimate; unlawful. [1/6 definitions]
malice in law, intention to harm others in committing an unlawful act. [1/2 definitions]
manslaughter unlawful but unpremeditated killing of a human being. (Cf. murder.)
misconduct improper, often unlawful behavior; misbehavior. [1/3 definitions]
misfeasance a normally lawful act performed in an unlawful way. (Cf. malfeasance, nonfeasance.)
murder the deliberate and unlawful killing of a person. [1/2 definitions]
plunder the wrong or unlawful taking of goods. [1/5 definitions]
put (someone) up to to persuade (someone) to do (something foolish, mischievous, or unlawful).
usurpation the unlawful or violent seizure of royal power. [1/2 definitions]
writ of habeas corpus a legal order calling for a detained person to be brought before a court, designed to insure against unlawful detention or imprisonment.
wrongful unlawful. [1/2 definitions]