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Dictionary Suite
hapless not favored by chance; unlucky; unfortunate.
ill-fated bringing misfortune; unlucky. [1/2 definitions]
ill-starred unlucky; ill-fated.
misfortune an instance of something very bad or unlucky happening. [1/2 definitions]
mishap an unlucky event; accident.
plight1 a state or situation, esp. an unhappy or unlucky one; predicament.
poor unfortunate or unlucky (used to express sympathy). [1/7 definitions]
salao (Spanish; slang) very unlucky (used in Central America and the Caribbean).
star-crossed destined to suffer an unhappy end; ill-fated; unlucky.
unfortunate having bad luck; unlucky. [1/3 definitions]
unfortunately used to express that an event being talked about is something unlucky or something that turned out badly.