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Dictionary Suite
ban1 an unofficial prohibition or condemnation, as by public opinion. [1/3 definitions]
camarilla a group of advisors, esp. secret or unofficial ones; cabal.
esquire (cap.) an unofficial title of respect, usu. placed in its abbreviated form after a full name, esp. a lawyer's name. [1/4 definitions]
guerrilla one of an unofficial or loosely organized group of soldiers who stage unconventional or surprise attacks against an enemy.
informal not according to regulations or prescribed standards or forms; unofficial. [1/3 definitions]
partisan a member of an unofficial military group fighting for some cause, group, or person; guerilla. [1/4 definitions]
soapbox an improvised stand, such as a crate, used by one making an unofficial, often impassioned, speech. [1/2 definitions]
straw vote an unofficial nonbinding vote or poll taken as a measure of public opinion on an issue.
tribunal an official or unofficial group that passes judgment or makes important decisions, or a place of such judgment. [1/2 definitions]
wildcat characterized by highly speculative, unsound, unofficial, or unethical business methods. [1/6 definitions]