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acrobatics (used with a sing. verb) any display of unusual dexterity or precision. [1/3 definitions]
adventitious in biology, occurring in an unusual or unexpected place; irregular. [1/2 definitions]
allergy a condition in which a person's body has an unusual reaction to certain things. An allergy can cause itching, coughing, sneezing, or trouble breathing. Allergies to animal hair, pollen, and certain foods are among the most common.
anal-retentive in psychoanalysis, having or showing unusual obstinacy, frugality, or an excessive concern with trivial details that supposedly results from conflict over toilet training in childhood. [2 definitions]
anatomical peculiarity a physical trait or characteristic of one's body that is considered unusual or abnormal.
atypical not like others of the same type; not typical; unusual.
badlands a barren region characterized by rock that has eroded into unusual shapes.
bind a situation of unusual difficulty. [1/13 definitions]
bizarre strikingly odd or unusual, esp. in appearance or behavior.
cakewalk a high-strutting, marchlike dance done in competition for the prize of a cake, awarded to the most intricate or unusual performance. [1/5 definitions]
charisma an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion. [1/2 definitions]
collector's item an object that might have especial value or interest for a collector, usu. because it is rare or unusual.
concoction a mixture of different things that someone has put together in an innovative way. A concoction is often an unusual mixture of liquids.
contort to twist into an unusual or unnatural shape. [2 definitions]
contortionist an acrobat who can twist his or her arms, legs, and body into unusual positions.
conversation piece an unusual object that attracts attention and stimulates conversation. [1/2 definitions]
curiosity an unusual or odd thing. [1/2 definitions]
curious interesting because unusual or strange. [1/2 definitions]
debility a state of unusual physical weakness, esp. as the result of disease.
different not ordinary; unusual. [1/4 definitions]
distinctive serving to set apart or mark as distinct or unusual.