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benefits something that you get, in addition to money, from your job. Some benefits are health insurance and paid vacation leave. [1/2 definitions]
camp1 a place or program that provides activities for children when they are on vacation from school. [1/5 definitions]
day camp a place or program that offers recreational or instructional activities during the daytime for children who are on vacation from school.
day care care during the day in a home or day-care center for children too young for school or older children after school or during vacation. Day care may also offer care for elderly or disabled people.
dude ranch a vacation resort operated like a ranch, offering horseback riding and other similar outdoor pastimes.
furlough a vacation for a person in the military.
honeymoon a vacation or trip taken by a couple to celebrate their marriage. [1/2 definitions]
hot spot a popular, lively nightclub, vacation area, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
house party the entertainment of guests overnight or for several days in a home, vacation residence, fraternity house, or the like.
leave2 a permitted period of vacation or absence.
resort a place where people go to relax and have fun while on vacation. [1/3 definitions]
time-sharing the joint ownership of property, esp. vacation condominiums and the like, in which each owner occupies the property for a set period of time. [1/2 definitions]
vacation to take a vacation. [1/2 definitions]
vacationer a person who is taking a vacation, esp. one traveling or enjoying leisure during a vacation.