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candida any fungus of the genus Candida that commonly causes infections, esp. of the mouth and vagina.
candidiasis infection by any fungus of the genus Candida, often occurring in the mouth or vagina.
hymen a fold of mucous membrane that partly closes the outer opening of the vagina.
pessary a device worn in the vagina to correct uterine displacement, or to prevent conception. [1/2 definitions]
suppository a solid piece of medicine that is inserted into the rectum or vagina, where it melts.
toxic-shock syndrome a sometimes fatal disease, esp. contracted by young women during menstruation, characterized by fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, and thought to be connected with the use of certain tampons that cause a rapid spread of bacterial infection in the vagina.
vaginal of or relating to the vagina.
vaginate having a vagina or sheath. [1/2 definitions]
vaginismus a painful spasm or muscle contraction of the vagina.
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina.