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abase to diminish (something of value) or to place (esp. oneself) in a lower position than another or others; lower; demean.
academic lacking immediate practical value; theoretical. [1/4 definitions]
account value or worth. [1/16 definitions]
ace a playing card that has only one mark. In card games, an ace has either the highest value of all the cards or the lowest. [1/5 definitions]
acey-deucy a form of backgammon that assigns a special value to a throw of a one or a two.
acid test a stringent, crucial, or definitive test of value or quality.
ad valorem of various taxes or customs duties, levied in proportion to the value of goods.
advance to give or lend (money or items of value) in order to support a project or provide assistance, usually with expectation of repayment or profit. [1/14 definitions]
alloy something added that lowers quality or value. [1/5 definitions]
amount the full impact or value; import. [1/4 definitions]
amplitude in physics, the maximum value of an oscillating quantity. [1/3 definitions]
anti (informal) a person opposing a particular group, practice, value, or policy.
appraisal a judgment about the nature, quality, or value of someone or something. [2 definitions]
appraise to determine the value of; set a price for. [1/2 definitions]
appreciate to feel the value of something.
appreciation a feeling of thanks. [3 definitions]
assess to rate the value of something for taxation; value. [1/3 definitions]
avail to be useful or profitable to; be of value to. [3 definitions]
axiology a branch of philosophy that examines the nature of value and various types of values, as in morals, metaphysics, religion, or the like.
balance of trade the difference in value between a country's total imports and its total exports.
base2 of little value when compared to something else. [1/2 definitions]