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acorn squash a variety of winter squash with a ridged acorn shape and dark green skin.
adult education a noncredit course of study for adults that offers instruction in a variety of subjects, typically offered by a university or college extension or by a community-based organization.
alabaster a hard, translucent, and sometimes striped variety of calcite. [1/5 definitions]
albacore a variety of tuna found in warm to temperate waters, and often canned for human consumption.
all-around able to do a variety of things; not specialized; versatile. [1/2 definitions]
ampicillin a synthetic antibiotic related to penicillin, taken orally to fight a variety of bacterial infections.
assorted of different kinds or sorts, collected together; variety.
assortment a collection of different sorts of things; variety.
ballroom dancing dancing performed by couples to a variety of social dances, such as the waltz, tango, or fox trot.
bamboo the stems of such a plant, used as a building material for such things as houses and fences, and for a wide variety of products such as hats, furniture, musical instruments, and chopsticks. [1/2 definitions]
Bartlett a large yellow juicy variety of pear.
bazaar a shop or market with a wide variety of goods for sale. [1/3 definitions]
benzene a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, obtained from petroleum and coal tar and used in or to make a wide variety of chemical products, such as insecticides, motor fuels, and solvents.
Bibb lettuce a variety of lettuce with a small round head of loose, tender, dark green leaves.
bicarbonate a chemical that is a variety of carbonate, used esp. in baking or as an antacid. (See sodium bicarbonate.)
Bing cherry a variety of sweet, dark red cherry.
biodiversity the condition of having a wide variety of living things. If an area on the earth has biodiversity, it means that there are many different kinds of animals and plants living there.
bleeding heart any of several flowering plants, esp. a common garden variety with drooping red or deep pink, heart-shaped flowers. [1/2 definitions]
bluebonnet a blue-flowered variety of lupine, esp. the Texas state flower. [1/3 definitions]
bluebottle a variety of blowfly having an iridescent blue body. [1/2 definitions]
blue point a variety of Siamese cat with a pale body and dark bluish gray points.