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Dictionary Suite
abysm a vast, unmeasurable space; bottomless pit; abyss.
abysmal of vast extent; unmeasurable; extreme. [1/2 definitions]
abyss a vast pit, too deep to be measured.
atmospheric river a very long and narrow wind corridor that transports a vast amount of water vapor through the sky, which can result in drenching rainstorms for particular areas.
Austronesian a family of languages spoken over a vast area from the Indian Ocean to New Zealand and Hawaii. [1/3 definitions]
bomb cyclone a cyclone that rapidly intensifies in areas outside of the tropics. A bomb cyclone may bring with it a vast amount of snow or rain over an area.
cosmic of immense extent or importance; vast. [1/3 definitions]
erg2 a vast area covered with sand dunes; desert.
Forbidden City a vast, walled complex of buildings in Beijing, China, formerly the Imperial Palace (1491-1911), now open to the public as the Palace Museum.
galaxy a system of billions of stars and other matter held relatively close to each other by gravity and separated from other such systems by vast distances. [1/3 definitions]
Great Pacific Garbage Patch a vast accummulation of debris made up primarily of tiny plastic particles floating in the upper column of water in the north central region of the Pacific Ocean.
immense extremely large or vast. [1/3 definitions]
immensity a vast quantity or extent. [1/3 definitions]
ocean the vast body of salt water covering about three quarters of the earth's surface. [1/2 definitions]
oceanic vast or overwhelming, as the ocean. [1/2 definitions]
Palace Museum a vast, walled complex of buildings in Beijing, China, formerly the Imperial Palace (1491-1911), now open to the public; Forbidden City.
PFAS acronym for perflouroalkyl and polyflouroalkyl substances. Such chemical substances are used in a vast number of products and applications such as non-stick coatings for cookware, cleaning products, wire insulation, clothing, and food packaging. Some are known to be toxic, and, as a group, they are considered at least potentially harmful to human and animal health. They are also considered an environmental pollutant, as they can take thousands of years to break down, earning the the appellation "forever chemicals."
Sahara a vast desert in northern Africa stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the River Nile.
Sahara Desert a vast and very dry region of North Africa extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Nile River. The Sahara desert is hot and sandy, and it is the largest desert of this type in the world.
Sahel the vast semi-desert region that lies along the southern edge of the Sahara desert in North Africa (usu. prec. by "the").
sea a vast area or a great number. [1/4 definitions]