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acid rain rain that has high acidity because of being mixed with pollutants such as vehicle exhausts and residues from burning of fossil fuels for energy or from chemical manufacturing.
aircraft any man-made vehicle that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
airflow a flow of air, esp. around a moving vehicle, missile, or the like.
ambulance a vehicle that carries people who are sick or hurt to a hospital.
amphibian a vehicle that can travel or operate on both land and water. Some tanks, boats, and airplanes are amphibians. [1/2 definitions]
aquaplane of a vehicle or tire, to skid over water without the adequate traction for control. (Cf. hydroplane.) [1/3 definitions]
at the wheel driving or steering a vehicle such as an automobile, ship, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
ATV abbreviation of "all-terrain vehicle," a small motor vehicle, usu. with three or four wheels, that is designed for use on various types of terrain.
auto short form of "automobile," a vehicle powered by a motor that uses gasoline or other fuel; car.
automobile a vehicle with four wheels that is powered by a motor that uses gasoline or other fuel; car. An automobile is used on roads to carry people.
auto-rickshaw a small, three-wheeled, motorized vehicle used as a taxi.
axletree an axle upon which the wheels of a cart or animal-powered vehicle turn.
backfire to give off a loud explosive noise that means the engine of a car or other vehicle is not working properly. [1/3 definitions]
backhoe an excavating vehicle with a large metal bucket that is drawn toward the vehicle in a digging motion.
back seat the seat or seating area behind other seats, especially in a car or other vehicle.
back up of traffic, to become so slow that vehicles form long lines behind each other with little space between each vehicle. [1/8 definitions]
bicycle a light vehicle with two wheels, one behind the other. You make the wheels turn by pushing on pedals.
blinker a flashing light, esp. one used on a vehicle to indicate the direction of a turn, or one used as a traffic signal. [1/2 definitions]
boat an open vehicle, smaller than a ship, that moves on water.
bodywork the entire external part of a car or motor vehicle. [2/3 definitions]
brake1 a device used to slow or stop the motion of a vehicle or machine. [2 definitions]