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antivenin an antitoxin, esp. against snake venom, that is induced in animals by repeated small injections of the venom.
envenom to make poisonous as by the insertion of venom. [1/2 definitions]
ringhals a small African cobra that spits or squirts its venom at its target.
serum the antidote given to a person or animal to protect from a disease or venom. It is taken from an animal that has been exposed to the same disease or venom. [1/2 definitions]
venom the poison that certain snakes, insects, scorpions, and other animals produce. Venom is put into prey by biting or stinging.
venomous producing a fluid, called venom, that is a poison to humans and animals. A venomous animal, such as a venomous snake or scorpion, produces venom that the animal can put into another animal or human with its bite or sting.