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abscissa the distance of a point from the vertical axis of a graph as measured parallel to the horizontal axis. (Cf. ordinate.)
air shaft a narrow vertical passage through which fresh air can reach an otherwise enclosed area such as the interior of a building; ventilating shaft.
angle1 the degree to which a line or plane slants with respect to a horizontal or vertical plane. [1/10 definitions]
arm wrestling a contest in which each of two opponents places either the right or the left elbow on a table with the forearm vertical, clasps the opponent's hand, and tries to force the opponent's hand back until it touches the table; Indian wrestling.
azimuth an arc measured horizontally and clockwise from a point north, in navigation, or a point south, in astronomy, to another point where a vertical circle intersects the horizon. [1/2 definitions]
bar1 a vertical line that marks the beginning or end of a measure of music, or the music between two of these lines. [1/10 definitions]
bar code a set of vertical bars of varying widths containing coded information that can be read by an optical scanner, usu. printed on the labels of consumer goods, on mail, and the like. (Cf. Universal Product Code.)
bedpost one of the vertical supports at the corners of a bed.
blast furnace a large, vertical furnace in which metal, esp. iron, is smelted from ore by means of heat intensified by a blast of air forced in at the bottom.
bluff1 having a steep, nearly vertical front, as on a riverbank or coastline. [1/3 definitions]
bracket an L-shaped fixture attached to a wall or other vertical surface to support something such as a shelf. [1/7 definitions]
bulldozer a tractorlike piece of heavy equipment that pushes or lifts soil or debris with a vertical blade attached to the front.
cant2 a slanting line, edge, or surface, esp. one deviating from the horizontal or vertical; slope; incline. [1/5 definitions]
cantilever a rigid structural member, as of a bridge, fastened at or near one of its ends to a vertical support and projecting horizontally, usu. a great length, from it. [1/4 definitions]
capriole a vertical leap by a trained horse, with the forelegs drawn in and the hind legs kicking out. [1/3 definitions]
capstan a vertical drum or post on a ship, rotated to hoist weights, such as an anchor, by winding in rope or cable. [1/2 definitions]
chambray a light, fine fabric woven with white horizontal threads and colored vertical threads.
chimney a hollow, vertical structure of masonry, which allows smoke and gases to escape from a furnace, fireplace, or stove; flue. [1/2 definitions]
column an upright structure that looks like a post. A column helps support a building. [3/4 definitions]
cone in geometry, a three-dimensional shape created by rotating a right triangle 360 degrees on its vertical axis. [1/5 definitions]
crevice a narrow opening, as in vertical rock or a wall; crack; fissure.