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acupressure a medical technique that seeks to stop bleeding by placing needles in the tissue next to a bleeding vessel. [1/2 definitions]
afloat floating on a boat or other vessel. [1/6 definitions]
alembic a device, used in the past for distillation, whose main vessel has a beaked top. [1/2 definitions]
amphora a tall oval ceramic vessel with a narrow neck and two handles, used in ancient Greece and Rome for storage or decoration.
anastomose to connect, either by natural branching growth or by surgery (parts of a blood vessel, nerve, or any branching system).
anchor a heavy object that is dropped from a boat or ship by a cable to keep the vessel from moving. [1/4 definitions]
aneurysm a dilation in a particular part of an artery caused by weakness in the vessel wall.
angioplasty surgical repair of a blood vessel.
aport on or toward the left or port side of a vessel.
argosy a large merchant vessel, esp. one carrying valuable merchandise. [1/3 definitions]
arteriole a blood vessel located between an artery and a capillary.
arteriosclerosis a chronic disease of the arteries in which inelastic and thickened vessel walls reduce blood flow.
artery a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. [1/2 definitions]
backstay a rope that extends from the mast to the stern or side of a vessel to help support the mast.
barrel a cylindrical vessel with a flat top and bottom, often made of wood staves hooped together and having bulging sides. [2/6 definitions]
becalm to make (a sailing vessel) motionless from lack of wind.
bell jar a bell-shaped glass vessel for holding gases or a vacuum. [1/2 definitions]
blood vessel any of the tubes in the body through which the blood moves. Arteries, veins, and capillaries are types of blood vessel.
blowout the sudden bursting of a vessel containing air or liquid under pressure, esp. an automobile tire. [1/2 definitions]
brig a two-masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails. [1/2 definitions]
brigantine a two-masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails on the front mast and a fore-and-aft mainsail.