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jerkin a short, tight, usu. leather jacket resembling a vest.
life jacket a life preserver in the form of a vest or jacket with no sleeves.
life preserver a device used to help a person float in water and not drown. A life preserver is usually made in the shape of a ring, belt, or vest.
three-piece consisting of three coordinated or matching pieces, as a man's suit of jacket, vest, and pants. [1/2 definitions]
vest-pocket designed to fit into, or as if into, a vest pocket. [1/2 definitions]
waistcoat (chiefly British) a waist-length, fitted, sleeveless, and usu. collarless garment, usu. worn over a shirt or blouse and often under a jacket; vest. [1/3 definitions]
watch pocket a small pocket, as in a vest or trousers, for carrying a watch.
weskit a vest or waistcoat, esp. for women.