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Dictionary Suite
by way of by going through or along; via. [1/2 definitions]
cordless phone a telephone that consists of a battery-operated handset that communicates across short distances via radio waves to an electrically-powered unit that must be connected to a telephone line in order to function.
electronic mail messages typed into a computer terminal and sent via telephone cable to another terminal.
message to send a message to (someone), esp. in electronic form, for example, as a text via a cell phone. [1/7 definitions]
over by the means of (used esp. with regard to a mode of communication); via. [1/29 definitions]
tweet to send a message via the social media website known until 2023 as Twitter, or to express something in such a message. The Twitter social media website was renamed "X." [1/5 definitions]
video chat a conversation between people via an electronic means that allows both speaking with and viewing the other person or persons. [1/2 definitions]
videoconferencing the process of holding an organized meeting via transmitted audio and visual signals.
videotex any electronic system for the distribution of data for display on video screens, often allowing for interaction by users via telephone or television; videotext.