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casualty a victim of a severe accident, esp. one that results in death. [1/5 definitions]
catalepsy a condition, often associated with epilepsy and schizophrenia, in which the body becomes numb and the limbs rigid, and the victim loses consciousness or fails to respond to external stimuli.
cheat to make the victim of a hoax; trick; fool. [1/11 definitions]
confidence game any swindle made possible by first gaining the confidence of the victim; con game; con.
confidence trick (chiefly British) any swindle made possible by first gaining the confidence of the victim; confidence game; con game; con.
con game shortened form of "confidence game," a swindle made possible by first gaining the confidence of the victim.
corpus delicti in a case of suspected murder, the body of the victim. [1/2 definitions]
date rape the act of rape committed by a person who is on a date or in a date-like social situation with the victim.
doormat one who is a habitual victim of others. [1/2 definitions]
double cross (informal) a betrayal or swindle accomplished by a course of action contrary to that previously agreed upon with the victim. [1/2 definitions]
inside job (informal) a crime committed by someone with intimate knowledge of, or association with, the victim or the victim's property or premises.
iron maiden a medieval instrument of torture consisting of a coffinlike case in which a victim was impaled on spikes.
mark1 (informal) the intended victim of a swindle. [1/16 definitions]
prey a person that becomes a victim. [1/6 definitions]
victimize to make a victim of. [1/2 definitions]
victimless lacking any victim or injured party, as certain crimes.
victimless crime a crime, such as gambling, that involves no obvious victim.
water torture a form of torture involving the incessant dripping of water on the forehead of an immobilized victim.
wreak to make someone the victim or object of (one's anger, resentment, or the like). [1/2 definitions]