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adopt to take on as one's own (a manner, style, or point of view). [1/3 definitions]
aesthetic an aesthetic theory, system, or point of view. [1/3 definitions]
a leg to stand on a valid or convincing basis for a point of view.
angle1 a position or point of view. [1/4 definitions]
appear to come into view; become visible. [1/3 definitions]
appearance the act or an instance of coming into view or appearing. [1/4 definitions]
arise to come into view or existence; emerge. [1/4 definitions]
aspect side or view. [1/4 definitions]
astigmatic having a distorted point of view or warped judgment. [1/3 definitions]
attribute to view as the result of. [2/3 definitions]
before in the presence of; within view of. [1/6 definitions]
behind the scenes not in view or on display; in private; in secret.
big picture an overall view or perspective that considers larger or long-term implications (prec. by "the").
bipolar having or involving two contrary points of view or opinions. [1/2 definitions]
bird to view birds in their natural surroundings. [1/5 definitions]
black sheep one who differs from and is often an embarrassment or disgrace to his or her family or group. This may be be due to this person's disreputable behavior, lack of worldly success, or difference in belief or point of view from that of the group.
blind spot an area nearby but which, or in which, one cannot see or hear what is happening, such as an area behind an automobile in motion that the driver cannot see through a rear-view mirror, or an acoustically dead spot in an auditorium. [1/4 definitions]
box seat a seat in a box, usu. offering a better view and some privacy, in a theater, concert hall, stadium, or the like.
bury to cover completely, or hide far from view. [1/6 definitions]
cachepot an ornamental container into which the plain pot of a houseplant is set and thus concealed from view.
cityscape an artist's view of a city, as in a painting, drawing, photograph, or the like. [2 definitions]