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bassist a player of a bass instrument such as the bass viol or bass guitar. [1/2 definitions]
contrabass the largest and deepest-toned instrument of the violin family; double bass; bass viol. [1/4 definitions]
double bass the largest and deepest-toned instrument of the violin family; bass viol; contrabass.
viola da braccio a stringed instrument of the viol group that has a range similar to that of a viola.
viola da gamba a stringed instrument of the viol family, that is held between the knees like a cello, and that has a similar range.
viola d'amore a stringed instrument of the viol family, having not only gut strings that are bowed but also wire strings behind these that vibrate sympathetically.
violist one who plays the viol. [1/2 definitions]
violone the largest and lowest-pitched stringed instrument in the viol group.