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aggro (chiefly British; informal) aggressive or violent behavior. [1/2 definitions]
agony a violent struggle, esp. the struggle just before death. [1/3 definitions]
argumentative given to argument, debate, or violent clashes of opinion, often without cause; contentious.
assault a violent physical or verbal attack. [1/4 definitions]
attack to begin to cause violent or serious harm to. [1/2 definitions]
backlash an abrupt and sometimes violent motion or movement backward. [1/3 definitions]
bash to strike a violent or crushing blow to. [1/4 definitions]
battle a hostile and violent meeting between two opposing sides; fight. [1/5 definitions]
blizzard in meteorology, a violent snowstorm characterized by high winds of no less than 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour and lasting three hours or more. A blizzard results in extremely reduced visibility. [1/2 definitions]
bloody-minded tending to be cruel, violent, or disruptive.
blowup a violent outburst of temper or argument. [1/3 definitions]
break out of a war or other violent conflict, to erupt; start. [1/5 definitions]
cataclysm a violent natural event, esp. an upheaval causing a sudden change in the earth's crust, or a great flood. [1/2 definitions]
chance-medley a sudden violent quarrel resulting in spontaneous homicide.
collision an act or instance of coming together with violent force; crash. [1/2 definitions]
combustion violent disturbance, turmoil, or upheaval. [1/3 definitions]
concussion a violent shaking or heavy blow; shock. [1/2 definitions]
convulsion a violent, involuntary contraction of the muscles. [1/2 definitions]
crash1 a violent accident. [1/3 definitions]
direct action a form of non-violent political action using immediately available means of communication, disruption, and confrontation, such as picketing, boycotts, demonstrations, and roadblocks.
dogfight any violent or vicious conflict, esp. an air battle between fighter planes. [1/4 definitions]