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Dictionary Suite
Charleston the capital of West Virginia. [1/3 definitions]
House of Burgesses formerly, the assembly of legislative representatives in colonial Virginia.
House of Delegates the lower house of the state legislatures of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.
lungwort a related American plant having grayish leaves and bearing bell-shaped blue flowers; bluebell; Virginia cowslip. [1/2 definitions]
Maryland an east central U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Delaware and Virginia. (abbr.: MD)
MD abbreviation of "Maryland," an east central U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Delaware and Virginia.
NC abbreviation of "North Carolina," a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Virginia and South Carolina.
North Carolina a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Virginia and South Carolina. (abbr.: NC)
Potomac a U.S. river that flows from West Virginia along the border of Washington, DC, and into the Atlantic.
Richmond the capital of Virginia.
Sir Walter Raleigh an English explorer who founded a short-lived colony on what is now Roanoke Island, Virginia (b.1554--d.1618).
VA1 abbreviation of "Virginia," a southern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Maryland and North Carolina.
Virginia cowslip a woodland perennial of eastern North America bearing clusters of blue or purple bell-shaped flowers; Virginia bluebell.
Virginia Woolf English novelist and essayist, noted for her use of modernist techniques such as stream of consciousness and interior monologue; born Virginia Stephens (b.1882--d.1941).
West Virginia an eastern U.S. state northwest of Virginia. (abbr.: WV)
woodbine any of various climbing vines, such as the European honeysuckle or the American Virginia creeper.
WV abbreviation of "West Virginia," an eastern U.S. state northwest of Virginia.