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angel a person of great, kindness, virtue, or spiritual purity. [1/3 definitions]
better having moral superiority or greater virtue. [1/14 definitions]
Buddha (sometimes l.c.) in Buddhism, a title conferred upon one who has attained a state of enlightenment or is the embodiment of virtue and divine wisdom. [1/2 definitions]
caliber degree of competence, virtue, or worthiness. [1/3 definitions]
client one who is subject to the assistance of a government or private welfare agency, esp. by virtue of being poor. [1/3 definitions]
cogent convincing, or compelling by virtue of a strong argument or clear presentation.
Commonwealthmen group of British thinkers and reformers whose ideas of republicanism, civic virtue, and liberty had an influence on the leaders of the American Revolution.
confiscate to seize by virtue of authority. [1/3 definitions]
dharma conformity to the essence of the universe or one's self, and therefore to virtue, religion, and law. [1/2 definitions]
good kindness; virtue. [1/12 definitions]
hegemony predominance of one country or social group over others by virtue of leadership or influence.
magnet an object that attracts iron and some other materials by virtue of a natural or induced force field surrounding it. (See electromagnet.) [1/2 definitions]
nationality the condition of belonging to a particular nation by virtue of birth or naturalization. [1/4 definitions]
overrule to replace or reverse (a ruling) by virtue of higher authority. [1/3 definitions]
Protestant ethic a set of beliefs in the moral virtue of productive work, self-discipline, and frugality; Protestant work ethic; work ethic.
respect to feel or express esteem toward, esp. by considering others to be above oneself in level of knowledge, experience, judgment, or virtue. [1/8 definitions]
stain a tarnish or blot upon one's reputation, virtue, or moral purity; stigma. [1/9 definitions]
virtueless combined form of virtue.
vote a particular group considered distinct by virtue of how they are likely to vote. [1/9 definitions]
work ethic a belief in the moral virtue of hard work.
worse more lacking in excellence, virtue, or other positive values. [1/7 definitions]