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Dictionary Suite
glair the raw white of an egg used in glazing or sizing, or a similar viscous substance.
maple syrup a sweet, viscous liquid made by reducing the sap from maple trees.
nonviscous combined form of viscous.
oil any of numerous mineral, animal, plant, or synthetic substances that are viscous, usu. liquid, and greasy, and that are soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water. [1/7 definitions]
ropy forming sticky, thick threads, as some viscous liquids. [1/2 definitions]
rosin oil a viscous, brownish, odorless oil obtained by fractional distillation of rosin and used in lubricants, electrical insulation, and inks.
schnapps any of several strong alcoholic liquors, esp. a certain type of gin, or a sweet viscous liquor.
semifluid having characteristics of both a solid and a liquid; thick but able to flow; viscous. [2 definitions]
slime an offensive slippery liquid, such as thin, viscous mud or the skin secretions of fish. [1/2 definitions]
stiff rather firm in consistency; viscous; thick. [1/13 definitions]
syrup a solution of sugar in water, esp. a viscous solution containing flavoring or medication. [1/2 definitions]
thick of a viscous or heavy consistency. [1/10 definitions]
viscose a viscous solution of treated cellulose used in making such products as rayon and cellophane. [2/4 definitions]