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ataxia loss or lack of ability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements.
cerebellum the region of the brain controlling voluntary muscle coordination and balance.
cerebral palsy a motor disorder caused by damage to the brain before or during birth, characterized by spastic paralysis and difficulty in controlling the voluntary muscles.
cerebrum the region of the brain comprising the largest area, acting to coordinate voluntary movement and control conscious mental activity.
commonwealth (cap.) a voluntary association of sovereign states with common interests, or a federation of former colonies, such as those sharing an allegiance to the British crown. [1/3 definitions]
freewill done by one's own will; voluntary. [1/2 definitions]
nonvoluntary combined form of voluntary.
recluse a person who lives in voluntary isolation from others. [1/2 definitions]
self-mortification the voluntary infliction of pain or punishment upon oneself.
swallow1 to take or draw (a portion of food or other substance) into the digestive tract by passing it from the mouth into the esophagus with a voluntary muscular movement. [1/8 definitions]
tabes dorsalis a disease of the nervous system, usu. caused by syphilis and characterized by pain and an increasing loss of voluntary motor control and organ distress.