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barf (slang) to vomit. [2 definitions]
bring up to vomit (something). [1/4 definitions]
disgorge to bring up from, or as though from, the mouth or throat; vomit; expel. [1/3 definitions]
gag1 to choke or vomit. [1/3 definitions]
heave to vomit or retch. [1/11 definitions]
lose one's cookies (slang) to throw up; vomit.
nausea a sick feeling in the stomach with the need to vomit.
puke (slang) to vomit. [2/3 definitions]
regurgitate to cause to surge up or bring up in a surge; vomit. [1/3 definitions]
retch to attempt to vomit, or to come to the point of vomiting without actually doing so.
spew to spurt out; vomit. [1/3 definitions]
throw up to bring up food and liquid from your stomach through your mouth; vomit.
toss one's cookies (slang) to throw up; vomit.
upchuck (informal) to vomit.