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abolitionism a movement in the United States in the 1800s whose goal was to free the people who were slaves and make slavery against the law.
accompany to be connected with; happen at the same time as; follow. [1/3 definitions]
acquit to clear (someone) of a charge or accusation, as in a court of law. [1/3 definitions]
act a law. [1/9 definitions]
admiralty maritime law, or the court administering such law. [1/3 definitions]
adoption the act of adopting a child or being adopted by law.
adumbrate to give a vague sign or indication of ahead of time; foreshadow. [1/2 definitions]
advance to make progress or grow. [1/8 definitions]
advocate one who defends or pleads on behalf of another, esp. in a court of law. [1/4 definitions]
aesthetic an aesthetic theory, system, or point of view. [1/3 definitions]
afresh once again; anew.
against the law not allowed by the law.
ago before now. [1/2 definitions]
ahtomp in Wampanoag language and culture, a weapon used for shooting arrows; bow.
airfoil any aircraft part or surface, such as a wing or rudder, designed to utilize aircurrents to aid in propelling, lifting, and controlling movement.
a leg to stand on a valid or convincing basis for a point of view.
amerce to punish by a fine or penalty, esp. a penalty not specified in law.
angle1 a position or point of view. [1/4 definitions]
annul to make (a legal action or contract) no longer valid under the law.
aplastic anemia a type of anemia caused by inadequate production of leukocytes, platelets, and the like by the bone marrow.
appearance the act or an instance of appearing or coming into view. [1/4 definitions]