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abide to wait for. [1/6 definitions]
ambuscade to wait in ambush. [1/3 definitions]
at last after a long time or wait; finally.
await to wait for; look forward to. [1/2 definitions]
bide to wait. [1/2 definitions]
bide one's time to wait for an opportunity.
cabin boy a boy or man hired to wait on the officers and passengers aboard a ship.
cabstand a place, usu. designated by a municipality, where taxicabs line up and wait to be hired.
finally after a long time or a long wait; at last. [1/2 definitions]
hang on (informal) to wait for a short time. [1/6 definitions]
hold off to cause (someone) to wait. [1/3 definitions]
hold on to wait. [1/2 definitions]
hold one's breath to wait with hope and expectation.
hold one's horses to wait more calmly; be patient.
hold tight to stay and wait for further information or events.
hunker (informal) to hide and wait until an unfavorable circumstance or situation is over (usu. fol. by "down"). [1/2 definitions]
impatience the quality or condition of being unable to wait calmly or bear annoyances.
impatient not patient; not willing or able to wait calmly. [1/2 definitions]
impatiently with annoyance or anxiety at having to wait.
lie in wait to wait for a chance to make a surprise attack.
look forward to to be excited about something that will happen in the future; wait for eagerly.