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ache to want very much. [1/3 definitions]
advertise to tell about something so people will want to buy it. [1/2 definitions]
agency shop an agreement, between an owner or manager and a union that requires employees who do not want to join the union to pay a fee. [1/2 definitions]
aim to point something at a thing that you want to hit. [1/3 definitions]
aspire to want strongly; have as an aim (usually followed by to or after).
attract to cause people or animals to want to be near.
attraction a movie, concert, or other event that many people want to see. [1/3 definitions]
bulletin board a board where you put notices and other things that you want people to read.
bum (informal) one who does not want to work, or one who takes selfish advantage of the generosity of others. [1/5 definitions]
burn out to become so tired that you want to stop doing something. [1/2 definitions]
care to want or wish (followed by "for"). [1/8 definitions]
choice a decision that you make about something you want. [1/2 definitions]
code a system of symbols or signals used in place of letters and numbers. Code is used to send a message when you want to hide its meaning. [1/2 definitions]
covet to want intensely. [1/3 definitions]
desiderate to want, need, or long for.
desirable having good, valuable, or useful qualities that people want. [1/2 definitions]
desire to want or wish for. [1/2 definitions]
destitution utter poverty, or the extreme want of the necessities of life. [1/2 definitions]
dial tone the steady sound in a telephone that shows the line is open. When you hear the dial tone, you can enter the number of the person you want to call.
die1 to need or want very much. [1/4 definitions]
effective able to produce a result that you want. [1/2 definitions]