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Dictionary Suite
bodega a warehouse for the storage of wine. [1/2 definitions]
bonded of goods subject to government duty, placed under bond, as in a warehouse. [1/3 definitions]
depot a place for storing and distributing goods, esp. military supplies; warehouse. [1/2 definitions]
ex1 in commerce, at no cost to the buyer until removed from (a warehouse, ship, or the like). [1/2 definitions]
loft the top floor of a warehouse or factory. It is usually a large, open space. [1/3 definitions]
stockman a man who works in a stockroom or warehouse. [1/2 definitions]
store to put in a warehouse, or similar place, for safekeeping. [1/7 definitions]
storehouse a building or space where goods are stored; warehouse. [1/2 definitions]
truck1 a flat, wheeled platform often used for transporting loads in a freight yard or warehouse. [1/8 definitions]
warehouse to place in a warehouse for storage. [1/2 definitions]