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admonish to warn or caution. [1/2 definitions]
alarm to warn of danger. [1/5 definitions]
alert to warn or make aware. [1/3 definitions]
caution to warn or give advice to someone (often fol. by "against"). [1/5 definitions]
cautionary serving to warn or to caution; warning.
cry havoc to warn of impending disaster.
en garde used to warn a fencer to assume position for action. [1/2 definitions]
lecture a long speech given to warn or scold another. [2/4 definitions]
lesson to warn or reprimand. [1/7 definitions]
monitor anything that serves to warn or remind. [1/11 definitions]
monitory serving to warn, caution, or admonish. [1/2 definitions]
ozone hole an area in the ozone layer where the ozone becomes thin. There is a large ozone hole over Antarctica and a smaller one over the North Pole. Scientists warn us this is dangerous.
prewarn combined form of warn.
smoke detector a device that makes a loud noise to warn people of smoke or fire.
threaten to warn or give a sign of. [1/4 definitions]
timber "Look out!" (used by loggers to warn of a falling tree). [1/4 definitions]
yellow jack a yellow flag used by ships to warn of disease on board or to request a clearance to proceed into port after compliance with quarantine regulations. [1/3 definitions]