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admonition a mild but serious warning, correcting, or urging. [2/3 definitions]
advisory a report containing information and, often, a warning. [1/3 definitions]
alarm any audible or visible warning, esp. by mechanical, electric, or other means. [2/5 definitions]
alert a warning of possible danger or the time during which such a warning lasts. [1/3 definitions]
all of a sudden suddenly; without warning.
AWACS an aircraft fitted with a radome and carrying sophisticated radar and computer equipment, used for reconnaissance and for directing ground forces, or a warning system employing such aircraft (acronym for "Airborne Warning and Control System").
beacon a signal of light that guides or gives warning, often located in an elevated position. [2/7 definitions]
beep a short, usu. high-pitched warning signal. [3 definitions]
bell buoy a buoy having a warning bell that rings whenever the buoy is rocked by waves.
bolt from the blue something that occurs without warning and with shocking abruptness.
caution care and attention to safety. [2 definitions]
cautionary serving to warn or to caution; warning.
caveat a warning or caution, esp. with regard to the limits or stipulations of an agreement. [1/3 definitions]
DEW line a line of radar stations, located along the seventieth parallel in Canada and the United States, that provides advance notice of approaching hostile aircraft or missiles (acronym for "distant early warning").
dire warning of misfortune or calamity. [1/3 definitions]
example a punishment meant to serve as a warning to others. [1/4 definitions]
exemplary serving as a warning. [1/4 definitions]
fickle quickly changing without reason or warning, esp. in affection or allegiance; variable or capricious.
flash happening suddenly and without warning. [1/7 definitions]
foghorn a loud, deep horn on a ship or on the shore, used in fog or at night to give warning signals.
fore2 in golf, used as a warning to alert those who may be in the path of a golf ball that is about to be driven.