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anus in anatomy, the opening at the lower or rear end of the intestines, through which solid waste matter is excreted.
atrophy to cause to waste away. [2/4 definitions]
biodiesel a low-polluting type of diesel fuel made from renewable, organically-derived oils such as vegetable oils or waste animal fats.
bioreactor a device in which living organisms or biological reactions are used to create a product or break down waste.
BM abbreviation of "bowel movement," the evacuation of waste matter from the bowels.
bowel movement the evacuation of waste matter from the bowels. [1/2 definitions]
calcium oxide a soft white caustic powder used in the treatment of waste, as an industrial alkali, and in the manufacture of steel, glass, plaster, and insecticides; lime; quicklime.
can2 a large container for waste. [1/2 definitions]
chamber pot a small, portable, pot-shaped receptacle for urine and other waste, usu. kept in a bedroom, esp. one that is some distance from a toilet.
cogeneration the process in which waste energy is used by a factory or the like to generate electricity.
composter a bin or similar large container with an opening at the top and near the bottom, used to create compost from food scraps, garden waste, and certain types of paper and other organic material. [1/2 definitions]
conservation the act of keeping and protecting from waste, loss, or destruction. [2 definitions]
conserve to keep safe from loss, waste, or destruction. [2 definitions]
creatinine a waste product produced in muscle from the breakdown of creatine. Elevated levels in blood indicate impaired kidney function.
creosote an oily liquid commercially distilled from coal tar or wood for use as a wood preservative and antiseptic, and produced as a waste product in chimneys from the burning of wood as fuel. [1/2 definitions]
culm1 particle waste from coal screening. [1/3 definitions]
dally to waste time; be idle. [2/4 definitions]
dawdle to waste time; be slow.
devastate to ravage or lay waste, as by war or natural disaster. [1/2 definitions]
devastated laid to waste; severely damaged. [1/2 definitions]
diddle1 (informal) to waste time loafing; dawdle. [1/2 definitions]